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Optimization of Control Parameters Based on Genetic Algorithm Technique for Integrated Electrohydraulic Servo Actuator System

Mohamed Z. Fadel, Mahmoud G. Rabiee, Ahmed M. Youssef


Electrohydraulic servo systems have been used in industry in a wide number of applications. Its dynamics are complex and highly nonlinear, these features significantly add uncertainty to the controller design procedure. Therefore, it is a demanding task to obtain a precise mathematical model of controlled servo systems. The present paper presents the development of a detailed non-linear mathematical model of the ISA and a computer simulation program using MATLAB/SIMULINK package. The model is divided into three modules; pre-servo valve module, electro-hydraulic servo-valve module, and actuating hydraulic cylinder module. The transient response of the ISA system and the simulation results are obtained and discussed in this paper. The genetic algorithm Technique is used for non-linear electrohydraulic servo actuator to determine the optimal parameters of the PID controller to improve the transient response of the system. The designed parameters which were optimized are rise time, settling time and maximum overshoot. The Genetic Algorithm applied in PID controller improves the transient response, however the average percent overshoot reduction is about 83%, settling time reduction is about 50 %, and rise time reduction is about 51 %.


Integrated Servo Actuator (ISA); Electrohydraulic ; Genetic Algorithm (GA); PID Controller ; Optimization

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Mohamed Z. Fadel, Mahmoud G. Rabie, Ahmed M. Youssef. Optimization of Control Parameters Based on Genetic Algorithm Technique for Integrated Electrohydraulic Servo Actuator System. Journal of Mechatronics and Automation. 2019; 6(3): 24–37p.


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