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Delay factors in construction projects effecting cost & time

Sagar Ambure


In construction industry one of the most common problems are cost over-run and delay. Delay can be minimized with the help of optimal scheduling techniques with the help of scheduling software’s. Delay means we are not meeting the deadline on time which results cost and time overrun. For the economic development of India construction segment is one of the sectors that provides important component. It is considered one of the recurring problems and has an adverse effect in terms of time, cost and quality. The causes and effects of delays in residential construction projects are identified in this paper. The causes of delays assessed using Relative Importance Index (RII) so as to rank the factors. Questionnaire was prepared to collect the data and circulated to Client, Contractor and Consultant. Analysis of data collected is done by SPSS Statistics V24 and results, conclusion are stated in this paper.

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