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Wind analysis of four legged transmission towers with different bracing systems for angle section & tube section

Mukesh D Jangid


Due to the increasing demand of electrical energy, a significant importance should be given to the analysis & design of transmission line towers. Since the transmission towers are the tall structures, they are mainly affected by wind forces. Therefore before the design & construction of these structures, they must be analysed for wind forces. This research paper presents a study on wind analysis of four legged towers with different bracing systems for angle & tube section. Wind analysis of towers is done by using STAAD Pro software & with the help of guidelines given by IS: 802 (Part 1)-1995. Comparison has been done between different bracing systems & between the angle & tube sections in terms of parameters such as axial force, shear force, torsional moment, bending moment & deflection in normal as well as broken wire condition. Study reveals that W type of bracing with tube section is most suitable since it gives optimum values of all the parameters for all the conditions

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