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Modern Electronics Wearable Gadgets for Health Monitoring

Anuj Kumar Goel



IOT is being used to interconnect the accessible medical assets and achieved smart, consistent, and useful healthcare service to the citizens. In this paper, IoT architecture adapted for healthcare applications which collects the data and relays it to the cloud where it is processed and analyzed. User will get the feedback that produced by data analysis. Applications are proved by prototype of the proposed architecture. Patients are monitored by the designed technology and make possible care of patient’s health. Using particular sensors, the record is saved and compared with a configurable threshold via microcontroller which is defined by a medical expert who follows the patient; the health of the patient can be monitor anywhere from the world using IoT. Sensors are attached to the body of the patient where it measures the temperature, pulse rate and measured data is given to the controller. The controller compares the measured data with the predefined data in case of emergency if the measured data exceeds the predefined data SMS will be send to the doctor and relatives of the patient.

Keywords: Wearable gadgets, IoT, Thinkspeak

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Anuj Kumar Goel. Modern Electronics Wearable Gadgets for Health Monitoring. Recent Trends in Sensor Research & Technology. 2019; 6(2): 11–16p.


wearable gadgets, IoT, Thinkspeak.

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