Plastic Slatted Plate and Conveyor Belt

Amit V. Patil, Siddhaya C. Narvekar, Ajay B. Gupta, Akshay S. More, Rushikesh S. Kharat


This project is about the plastic slatted floor used for poultry farming. The findings of this study suggest that perforated plastic floors could be a good alternative to substitute wood shavings to raise broilers (male and female) since it was efficient from the perspective of environmental conditions and production rates, promoting a better quality environment and superior production rates. However, more research must be conducted to study the effects of perforated plastic floors on poultry welfare aiming to improve leg health, reduce foot pad diseases. Minimizing the contact between birds and poultry manure seems to favour the performance and foot pad health in turkeys. Slatted plates could give the littered areas an added value for the realization of natural behavior in birds. Belt conveyor is most populous equipment in such system to achieve material flow from start to end point. We studied different type of conveyors and there configuration and there working. Selection of conveyor system is carried out according to functional requirements, size shape and weight of material, travelling distance, speed requirements, etc. Also this system reduces the human effort. This system is beneficial and safety for the material handling.


Automatic cleaning, Conveyor belt, Flooring design, Foot pad health, Hygienic poultry, Slatted floor.

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