Modal and Stress Analysis of Lower Wishbone Arm Along with Topology Optimization

Pratik S. Awati, L. M. Jugulkar


An independent suspension allows wheels to rise and fall on their own without affecting the opposite wheel. The aim of study is to complete FEM analysis of a suspension link for deformation and stresses in dynamic mode. For this a 3-D solid model of a suspension link is generated. Multi body system approach is used to determine the loads acting on the suspension component. Vonmises Stress analysis is to be done by considering Gross Vehicle weight with application of forces on Lower control arm. This gives an idea of optimization area by providing an extra material in the region where the control arm is fixed to the chassis body. The effect of different material on the yield stress value is studded to find out the suitable one for manufacturing purpose.


Modal Analysis, Shell meshing, Topology Optimization

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