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Problem formulation for predicting optimum trans-esterification process parameters of biodiesel production and their performance analysis in diesel engine

Sunil Dhingra


The various alternate fuels have been used in the past research to run the compression ignition engines. One of the fuel is the biodiesel which is used in the blended form with diesel. The emission parameters are reduced to 30-40% and the performance parameters are increased to some extent. This paper represents the various past research related to biodiesel based engines. The various steps in predicting the optimum process parameters of biodiesel production and their performance analysis using various statistical techniques like RSM, hybrid techniques of RSM-NSGA-II are applied in formulating the problem. The response surface methodology based on CCRD is used for planning the experimentation and statistical model is then used in ANN’s and GA’s. It has been observed from the research papers that the hybrid techniques RSM-GA/ANN-GA is better as compared to other technique like taguchi, RSM etc


Formulation of problem, RSM, ANN-NSGA-II, RSM-GA, Optimization, Validation of Experiments

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