Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Based Design of a Brake Master Cylinder with Varied Materials
This research article deals with the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) based design of the brake master cylinder of different materials. The brake master cylinder is considered as the most significant component in almost all passenger cars equipped with a hydraulic braking system. The brake master cylinder came under the control and safety category components and is popularly considered to be the heart of the braking system. It must be designed precisely, and utmost care should be undertaken to endure any possible loading (Pressure) while braking. The brake master cylinder is designed based on the total braking force required or per brake biasing ratio which is defined as the ratio of front and rear braking torque needed to stop the vehicle at different braking conditions. To get the required braking torque, a proper selection of parameters such as brake master cylinder bore diameter, brake disc (rotor) diameter, and calliper piston diameter is essential. Nowadays, there is more focus on reducing the overall weight of vehicles to improve the vehicle performance and reduce the fuel consumption. To achieve this, there is a need to focus on reducing the weight of different components present in the vehicles. An attempt has been made in this research with an importance on the brake master cylinder by using different alternate materials without compromising the strength and other important properties to make lightweight components. The static structural finite element analysis (FEA) and fatigue analysis of the brake master cylinder has been carried out under actual loading and appropriate boundary conditions numerically and, results have been compared with experimentally. The solid modelling of the brake master cylinder has been carried out using the commercially available software CATIA V5, and FE analysis for static structural and fatigue analysis has been done using ANSYS Workbench 16.0. Subsequently, the fatigue results have been compared well with the experimental results. It has been shown that the use of Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites (AMMCs) instead of Aluminium alloy in the manufacturing of brake master cylinders significantly increased the strength with reduced weight, thus giving improvements in wear and corrosion resistance.
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