A Review on Load Sharing Control between Wind Energy & Diesel Generator
The foundation of any research work is the literature survey. This is based upon the study and field work done by researches. A number of research papers have been published that explains different control strategies for load sharing between two systems. The present survey is about the load sharing between wind turbine system and diesel generator. In this paper, a review of wind- diesel load sharing algorithm was added to the diesel generators operation control to compensate fluctuation of wind output, with its main purpose is to deliver constant power to the grid. Load sharing control system receive the data of solar output and adjust the diesel power output by controlling governor. In this research, the total power output from the system is limited to 150kW. For example, if wind delivered 100kW, then, at that point, diesel generator activity regulator drove the diesel generators to create 50kW. Computerized power meters were introduced on PV and generator to gauge dynamic force, voltage, recurrence, and force factor. These data were used as input parameters for load sharing control.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/joaest.v12i2.5921
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