Optimal Allocation of STATCOM FACTS Controller for Loss Reduction and Voltage Stability Enhancement in a Nine Bus Power System
It is being a huge concern about the complexity and severity of recent days’ power system. The main objective of the power system concern is the flexibility and fast control characteristics of power transmission between generating station to distribution grid. So, in order to have a reliable and quality power transmission, FACTS (flexible AC transmission system) controllers are introduced. Here, a shunt type of FACTS controller such as STATCOM (Static synchronous compensator) is incorporated in to a nine-bus electrical system for loss reduction and voltage stability enhancement. Basically, FACTS controllers have the inherent features to absorb or inject real power to the system at time of requirement. This paper analyzes the application of STATCOM in to the power system and thereby features the comparative study of uncompensated and STATCOM compensated system for loss reduction and stability enhancement. Load flow study is the base of this paper. This has been conducted for the analysis of voltage stability in terms of voltage magnitudes at each bus and also for loss minimization in the power system. Here, load flow has been carried for both uncompensated and STATCOM compensated system. The stability studies and loss analysis have been performed by installing this FACTS device at each bus separately and thereby specifying the optimal location of installation of STATCOM in the system.
Keywords: FACTS, STATCOM, voltage stability, load flow, loss minimization
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Shaswat Chirantan, Ramakanta Jena, Sanhita Mishra et al. Optimal Allocation of STATCOM FACTS Controller for Loss Reduction and Voltage Stability Enhancement in a Nine Bus Power System. Journal of Control & Instrumentation. 2017; 8(3): 12–16p.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/joci.v8i3.125
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