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Small-Scale Model Study on the Load-Deflection Characteristics of Single Piles under Static Lateral Load

Md. Mahmud Sazzad, Roja Ashrafi Medha, ahad Al Fahim


The capacity of a certain mathematical model to mimic a behavior occurring on a larger scale often concerns engineers. To evaluate a particular structure's safety factor, model uncertainty is an important consideration. Piles have been widely used to support axial and lateral loads for a wide range of structures, including high-rise buildings, transmission towers, power plants, offshore structures, highway and railway structures. Many transmission towers, high-rise buildings, highway and railway bridges, and other structures that are built near steep slopes are supported by pile foundations. Large lateral loads, such as strong winds or earthquakes, may be applied to these structures. In this work, a small-scale model study of piles under lateral load was performed. The lateral load resistance of piles was examined using a small-scale model test on single pile. A series of tests were carried out with piles of varying length to diameter (L/D) ratio and different moisture content conditions. The pile was subjected to incremental lateral load until failure for different L/D ratio. Three different moisture content conditions were considered in the current study. The load- deflection characteristics were studied under different L/D ratio and moisture contents. The result indicated a non-linear relationship between load and deflection with a minimum deflection in optimum moisture content condition and maximum in saturated condition for the single pile. The differences in deflection for different moisture content conditions especially at saturation condition of the soil was found to be significant for the lateral loads.


Lateral load; Length to diameter ratio; Sandy soil; Moisture condition; Single and group pile.

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