Flying Faces: An Automated Recognition System using Raspberry Pi and Drone
Facial recognition technology has gained populari- ty in recent years and is used in various applications, such as security and surveillance. However, traditional facial recogni- tion systems are limited in their ability to capture images from different angles and perspectives. In this paper, facial recogni- tion system is presented that utilizes drone technology to cap- ture images from multiple angles for better accuracy. The sys- tem consists of a Raspberry Pi board, a high-resolution cam- era, OpenCV for face detection, and a deep learning model trained with TensorFlow for face recognition. The system is integrated with a drone for aerial surveillance and the results of the facial recognition algorithms are transmitted back to the drone for further action. The proposed system has the poten- tial to be used in a variety of applications, such as law en- forcement, border security, search and rescue operations, and crowd monitoring. The use of drone technology allows the sys- tem to capture images from hard-to-reach areas and provide real-time surveillance. The deep learning model used for face recognition is trained on a large dataset of faces, which im- proves the accuracy of the system. The system can also be cus- tomized to meet specific needs, such as identifying individuals on a watchlist or monitoring specific areas. Overall, the facial recognition system with drone technology presented in this paper provides an innovative solution to im- prove the accuracy and efficiency of facial recognition systems. With its ability to capture high-resolution images in real-time, the system can aid in law enforcement activities, search and rescue operations, and crowd monitoring, among others. The system's integration with drone technology enables it to access hard-to-reach or dangerous areas, providing a safe and effi- cient way to monitor large crowds or search for missing indi- viduals.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/joma.v10i2.7272
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