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An Algorithm to Test Feasibility Predicate for Robotic Assemblies

M. V. A. Raju Bahubalendruni, B. B Biswal


Selection of a feasible assembly sequence is an essential element to achieve cost effective manufacturing process. Test for feasibility predicate is a key segment in assembly sequence planning, which is generally carried by a skilled industrial engineer. The feasibility predicate test is involved in checking possibility of disassembling a component from the assembled product through a collision free path. To attain economic assembly process, the feasibility predicate test must also results the optimal disassembly direction. In the current paper a novel method called “modified bounding box method” to obtain the optimal feasible directions for a component is illustrated with examples. An algorithm to integrate the methodology with 3D CAD environment to automate the process is also well described.



Modified bounding box method, robotic assemblies, feasibility testing

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