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A Microcontroller based Electrical Appliances Control Using Bluetooth and Android Device

B. Mabu Sarif, K. Navatha, L.V. S. Hari Tarakesh, K. Uma Devi, M. Harish, P. Md. Basha, T. Madhanna



The smart phones have penetrated so deep into the lives of an individual that they have become an indispensible component in one’s life. Instead of designing another gadget for control of home appliances, the hand held smart phone of every individual can be made as a controlling device and this also makes a sense. In this paper, a home automation system for control of appliances is presented using android based smart phone. The Android app is developed using MIT app inventor and Arduino Uno with press/click of button and/or voice instructions.

Keywords: Arduino UNO, Bluetooth, Android device (smart phone), relay, appliances

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Mabu Sarif B, Navatha K, Hari Tarakesh LVS, et al. A Microcontroller based Electrical Appliances Control Using Bluetooth and Android Device. Journal of Microcontroller Engineering and Applications. 2018; 5(1): 5–10p.


Arduino UNO, Bluetooth, Android Device (Smart Phone), Relay, appliances

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