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Automatic Waste Segregator and Monitoring System

Aleena V. J, Kavya Balakrishnan, Rosmi T. B, Swathy Krishna K.J., Sreejith S


Rapid increase in population has led to improper waste management in metro cities and urban areas which has resulted in spreading of diseases. It is estimated that 2.02 billion tones of municipal solid waste was generated universally in 2006. The segregation, transport, handling and disposal of waste must be managed properly to minimize the risks to the public, and the environment. An efficient method to dispose the waste has been designed in our project, “automatic waste segregator and monitoring system”. This paper proposes an automatic waste segregator (AWS) which is a cheap, easy to use solution for a segregation system at households, so that the wastes can be sent directly for processing. Automatic waste segregator is designed to sort the waste into three main categories namely; metallic, organic and plastic, thereby making the waste management more effective. Ultrasonic sensors are added for monitoring waste collection process. The sensors would be placed in all the garbage bins. When the garbage reaches the level of the sensor, then the indication will be given to a microcontroller. The microcontroller will give indication to the driver of garbage collection truck by sending SMS using GSM technology


Automatic waste segregator, waste management, microcontroller, SMS, GSM

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