Design and Implementation of an RFID Door Security System Using Arduino
This paper proposes the design and implementation of a door security system using an Arduino board and a radio frequency identification (RFID) module. The door security system uses the RFID module to contactlessly scan RFID cards or tags and communicates with the Arduino via the serial peripheral interface (SPI) protocol for controlling access to a room or building. An LCD module is interfaced with the Arduino to show related messages. The security system includes three states: standby, access, and reject. In the standby state, the LCD reminds people to scan an RFID card or tag. If the scanned RFID tag ID number can be found in the ID pool managed by the main program, the Arduino will light up a green LED, display related access messages on the LCD, and open the door by driving the servo motor at a predefined interval; Otherwise, the door will remain closed with a red LED and an audible alarm, and the LCD will display a reject message. In either the access state or the reject state, the system will stay for a predefined time interval and return to the standby state. The proposed system has been successfully implemented on a prototype board with the help of our developed program. The work of hardware and software co-design is expect to be a good paradigm of engineering education in embedded systems.
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