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Design of Street Light System Using PIC16F877A Digital Controller

Devulapally Shirisha, Galipelly Susmitha


The program aims to save energy by recognizing vehicle movement on highways and activating. The cluster
of streetlamps ahead of the car while shutting off the following lights. Sensors are required for the project
to activate the front lights and identify the car's motions. Our concept makes use of all the benefits that
LEDs have to offer, such as their quick switching speed, eco-friendliness, durability, and cool light output.
As a result, at this time, the advantages greatly exceed any disadvantages. In addition, the quick payback
period allays worries over upfront expenses against long-term profits. This idea is not limited to lighting;
it may be used for a variety of purposes, including lighting up large parking lots, industrial regions, and
campuses. The automatic street lighting system is a straightforward but efficient idea that makes use of an
LDR sensor as a switch. Physical labor can be completely eliminated thanks to technology. As soon as the
sun sets, the lights turn on by themselves. A Light Dependant Resistor (LDR), a sensor whose light detection
is comparable to that of the human eye, is used to do this. It can also be used for corporate and industrial
campuses for surveillance, with its defect detection and security features coming in handy. Moreover, the
system's flexibility is increased by its capacity to regulate manually or automatically. When the automobile
moves forward, the tail lights automatically turn off. This can save a large amount of energy over the old
approach, which keeps the streetlights on all the time. Microcontrollers use PWM to control intensity. This
intelligent street light system project is the safest, most practical, economical, and environmentally
beneficial approach to save electricity. It effectively and simply addresses the two issues that the world is
currently facing: energy conservation and the disposal of incandescent lightbulbs.


Automobile, LDR sensor, microcontroller, Intel Quark X1000, microprocessor.

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