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Data Transmission Using Laser

Nitya Varma, Sakshi ., Amit Kumar, Rajit Billowria, Kusum Tharani


This paper proposes a model to transmit data using raspberry pi, Laser light and Light Detecting Resistance(LDR) sensor. The model takes the input as a file and then the data is encoded into binary, then encrypted . Now the encrypted data is transmitted to the receiver side using a Laser which is detected by the LDR sensor. After that the received data is decrypted and decoded into the required file. For accuracy in the data transmission Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Technique is used to eliminate any kind of redundancy in data transmission. This paper also presents a comparison between the data transmission using laser and RF technology on the basis of cost, Power requirement, Range, Intervention, Interference, and Security. 

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Sakshi, Nitya Varma, Amit Kumar, Rajit Billowria, Kusum Tharani. Data Transmission Using Laser. Journal of Microwave Engineering & Technologies. 2020; 7(3): 18–23p.


LASER, LDR sensor, CRC, RF Technology, Raspberry pi

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