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Design Optimization of Microstrip Antenna with EBG and DGS Using the Genetic Algorithm to Reduce the Mutual Coupling

K. Vasu Babu, B. Anuradha, K. Chandra Bhushana Rao


The purpose of this paper is to construct, create, and reproduction of different antenna structures using electromagnetic band gap (EBG) materials and defected ground structures (DGS). Microstrip antennas are processed in order to improve performance by changing the shape of the geometry of the antenna, in particular to reduce the mutual coupling between the elements. The propagation of electromagnetic waves in a specified frequency range have the unique ability to avoid EBG structures and was incorporated in antenna structures to improve the radiation patterns and reduce the mutual coupling in MIMO networks. Other approaches such as technical structures neutralization and ground plane defection may be more practical in real-time applications. In addition, using one of the methods of calculation, combining the genetic algorithm (GA) with the surface mesh code for a 2×2 analysis on networks, EBG antennas have been progressed. At the frequency of 2.4 GHz, impedance matrix  be produced by the genetic algorithm exercise from the network undertaking to calculate optimal and EBG structures in order to target a specific fitness function antenna


MIMO, patch antenna, mutual coupling, genetic algorithm (GA), defected ground structures (DGS), electromagnetic band gap (EBG), return loss

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