A Compact Design of Dual Band Micro Strip Antenna for WLAN/WiMax Applications
In this paper compact dual wide band micro strip antenna has been designed with line feed technique. The return loss bandwidth achieved is 12.34% (1.398–1.582) GHz and 21.56% (2.395–2.974) GHz with a maximum return loss –44.89 dB at resonant frequency 2.656 GHz by using Zeland IE3D software. The fabricated line feed patch antenna is tested and measured by using spectrum analyzer.
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Rajeev Shankar Pathak, Vinod Kumar Singh, Shahanaz Ayub, “Dual Band Micro strip Antenna for GPS/ WLAN/WiMax Applications”, Int. J. Emerg. T. Eng. Develop. (ISSN:2249-6149), 2012; 2(7): 154–159p.
Amit Kumar Rawat, Vinod Kumar Singh, Shahanaz Ayub, Compact Wide band Micro strip Antenna for GPS/WLAN/WiMax Applications”, Int. J. Emerg. T. Eng. Develop. (ISSN: 2249-6149), 2012; 2(7): 140–145p.
Rishabh Kumar Baudh, Ranjan Kumar, Vinod Kumar Singh, “Arrow Shape Micro strip Patch Antenna for WiMax Application”, J. Environ. Sci. Comp. Sci. Eng. Technol. (ISSN: 2278 179X), 2013; 3(1): 269–274p.
Rajat Srivastava, Vinod Kumar Singh, Shahanaz Ayub, “Comparative Analysis and Bandwidth Enhancement with Direct Coupled C Slotted Micro strip Antenna for Dual Wide Band Applications, A Book Chapter in the Book Entitled “Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications”, (Book ISBN: 978-3-319-12011-9), 2015; 328: 449–455p.
Saurabh Jain, Vinod Kumar Singh, Shahanaz Ayub, “Band Width and Gain Optimization of a Wide Band Gap Coupled Patch Antenna”, Int. J. Eng. Sci. Res. Technol. (IJESRT) ISSN 2277–9655, 649–652p, March-2013.
Mayank Dwivedi, Vinod Kumar Singh, Mandeep Singh Saini, “Compact Dual Band Slotted Micro strip Antenna for IEEE 802.11b Applications”, Int. J. Adv. Res. Comp. Sci. Softw. Eng. (ISSN: 2277 128X), 2012; 2(10): 406–409p.
Amit Kumar Rawat, Vinod Kumar Singh, Shahanaz Ayub, “Compact Wide band Micro strip Antenna for GPS/WLAN/WiMax Applications”, Int. J. Emerg. T. Eng. Develop. (ISSN:2249-6149), 2012; 2(7): 140–145p.
Rajeev Shankar Pathak, Vinod Kumar Singh, Shahanaz Ayub, “Dual band Micro strip Antenna for GPS/ WLAN/WiMax Applications”, Int. J. Emerg. T. Eng. Develop. (ISSN:2249-6149), 2012; 2(7): 154–159p.
Rajat Srivastava, Shahanaz Ayub, Vinod Kumar Singh, “Dual Band Rectangular and Circular Slot Loaded Micro strip Antenna for WLAN/GPS/WiMax Applications”, IEEE Publication, Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT-2014), Print ISBN: 978-1-4799-3070-8/14, 45–48p, April-2014, NITTR, Bhopal, India.
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