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An Overview on Use of Plastic Waste as Road Construction Material

Alok Choudhary, Pawan Kumar, Dhirendra Kumar, Suryanshu Mankotia


The usage of plastic in our environment is expanding day by day due to rising population urbanization, evolution, activities, and changing in life manner. This waste plastic is spreading mostly on the land. This waste plastic is becoming hard job to decompose due to its non-biodegradable property. Eventually, plastics are not decomposed scientifically and potential to create soil, air, and marine pollution as well as water pollution. Therefore, the waste plastic is a major threat to environment which consequence in different kind pollution and global warming. Here upon, this waste plastic can be used as construction material. If viewed as flexible pavement construction material, then plastic waste can become a great coating material mix with aggregate. In summation, it will also be resolution to plastic and various faults in pavement like ruts, potholes, corrugation, etc. The wastes plastic used are polypropylene, polyethylene, and polystyrene. The only plastic confirming to low density polyethylene (LDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyurethane shall be only used in pavement construction as per RDSO/WKS/2019/1 (Research Design and Standard Organization). By the use of plastic waste in road pavement creation, it repercussion high tensile strength which is very important in road pavement. As a result, the plastic garbage strengthens roadways by increasing the Marshall Stability value. This will not only increase strength property but also make roads more durable. In this paper, we will discuss or review about the plastic waste as road pavement construction material with its different process of testing, mixing aggregate with plastic or some part of theoretical data of given mix. 


Plastic waste, Aggregate, Plastic Road, corrugation, pavement creation

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