Conceptual Investigation of Temperature Effect on Total Dissolved Solid and Electrical Conductivity on Treatment of Polluted Water Using Adsorbent
The conceptual investigation of temperature effect on total dissolved solid and electrical conductivity of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated water medium was monitored using adsorbent packed in packed bed column. The experiment was set up for treatment of the contaminated water medium with crude oil and the initial concentration of the total dissolved solid and electrical conductivity was determined as well as after treatment. The result obtained showcases high mitigation in the concentration of the total dissolved solid and electrical conductivity with variation in temperature. The treatment temperature ranges from 15oC to 120oC and each operating temperature demonstrates the strength in which the total dissolved solid and electrical conductivity can change. This study is more less experimental based and the potential of the adsorbent was monitored with respect to temperature variation. This study has shown the significance of the adsorbent in mitigating the concentration of the total dissolved solid and the electrical conductivity in effluent water.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/jomme.v13i3.7841
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