Solutions to Problems Faced in Well Log Analysis in fractured metamorphic Reservoir Systems Due To Multiple Porosities and Lithology’s
Metamorphic rocks are the most bottomless non-terrigenous sedimentary rock and are made essentially out of transformative minerals. Most metamorphic rocks shape from calcareous stores that collect in marine conditions running from salt marshes to reefs to profound sea bowls. Unmistakable and one of a kind parts of transformative rocks are their dominatingly intrabasinal starting point, their essential reliance on natural exercises for their constituents and their powerlessness to change by post-depositional systems. In ordinary investigation of Wireline logs of metamorphics, the outcomes are generally not solid. There are fundamentally two reasons. Right off the bat, the stones are made out of two intermixed metamorphic litholigies, to be specific dolomite and calcite. Besides, porosity appropriations regularly incorporate an extensive variety of qualities. In ongoing advancements, such issues were experienced in the Campos Basin, seaward Brazil. Concentrated penetrating and seismic, gravity, and attractive information have added to the acknowledgment of four tectono-stratigraphic units identified with the cracking and separation of Pangaea. Its most vital Sag/Macabu Formation has been described as microbial and stromatolitic limestones, locally dolomitized and frequently silicified. Log relationship is exceptionally testing in the Macabu Formation because of extensive s cale heterogeneities and variable porosity attributes inside the Sag segment, which is partitioned into three diverse porosity units: Upper, Middle, and Lower Sag. The compensation interim to date has been constrained to the Upper Sag in the Campos Basin wells. Nonetheless, the Lower Sag is profitable and has noteworthy supply potential. Here, organizations are utilizing a mix of different advancements and techniques for appropriate translation and comprehension of logging information. The present paper surveys the different difficulties of log examination in transformative stores and furthermore proposes arrangements, for example, correlation of Density and Neutron logs as its brush ination gives a hearty strategy for separating dolomite from limestone. For porosity related issues, incorporating log ana lysis with center examinations gives a convenient arrangement as it measures macropores and comprehends associations and porousness. NMR mea surements uncover pore and fluid properties in rock formations through a two-stage measurement. Various approaches have been suggested for this ranging from empirical methods to theoretical methods.
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