A Review of Business Process Re-engineering with Focus on Critical Success and Failure Factors
This paper presents a literature review of business process re-engineering (BPR). Although there are a number of BPR articles in the literature, there is still lack of literature review in this field that focuses on the success and failure factors behind implementing BPR. The drive of this review is to gain a basic as well as greater understanding of the critical success and failure factors in implementing BPR. In doing so, this review illustrates a brief overview of the concept of BPR, overview of BPR success and failure factors along with selected BPR success and failure models. It will also portray the distinction between BPR and (continuous) improvement, and finally, concludes with outlining the concluding remarks with due emphasis on BPR success and failure factors. However, the study is limited to the author's ability to review already existing literature in the field of BPR.
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Yohannes Workeaferahu Elifneh. A Review of Business Process Re-engineering with Focus on Critical Success and Failure Factors. Journal of Production Research and Management. 2017; 7(2): 1–7p.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/joprm.v7i2.3715
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