QFD Methodology Application to Vocational Training Centres: A Case Study
The main population of the stakeholders comprised of students, faculty members, industry people, alumni, parents and members of the society. Based on the data collected from stakeholders needs and expectations of the specific customers for vocational training were assessed and finally the customer’s needs were prioritized and analyzed through QFD technique. For the statistical data analysis, the study used the SPSS software package. The results of the study showed that the QFD technique can be used to develop better understanding of the needs in order to improve, not only all levels of higher educational activities, but also all similar levels of vocational education and training activities. This would help the educational planners and administrators in redesigning the education and training system from program design, to curriculum, to the satisfaction of students. Result of the present study indicated most important needs as Training of faculty in industry, Adequate machinery and tools, No administrative work to teachers, Industry sponsored training to students, and Regular craft instructors with the top ranking needs and least important needs as Up gradation of instructors with increased qualifications, online admissions and Increased pay scales for instructors. Statistical analysis based on t-test (paired) was employed to understand statistically significant difference in opinions of different stakeholders. In majority of the needs, the stakeholders were all emerge to have same opinions. These results have been discussed and final conclusions based on these results were drawn. Finally scope for future work is presented. It is observed that there are two potential beneficiaries of the present study, including permission granting and recognizing agencies of vocational education and vocational education stakeholders. The present study can support ITI management in analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, and also help in identifying the opportunities and threats against the competing systems.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/joprm.v5i2.7184
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