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K. Bharath kumar


Any passive network can be represented by their equivalent in either T-π (star-delta)model. From the conversion methods of T-π (star-delta) for resistive circuits, the behavioural modeling of Pspice simulation program, in which various mathematical equations could be represented by non-linear voltage/current dependent sources, is used to obtain equivalent circuits using DC option. The resistors are represented by their linear voltage/current relation. The zero voltage sources are used to measure currents in the circuit equivalents of resistors. A non-linear BJT model is used with proper DC bias  with the T-π (star-delta) connection as examples. The conversions are verified for two types of circuits by obtaining  DC values of voltages and currents at various nodes  and branches using Pspice computer simulations. The method can be used to replace linear and non-linear circuitry by their respective star-delta equivalents in DC bias point calculation and simulation.


Circuits, Linear and Non-Linear circuits, RF electronics, Simulation, Modelling

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