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Effect on tunnel under varied pile loading using finite element analysis

Khemali Firke, Sandeep Potnis, Sumit Wagh


Use of underground space is increasing in densely populated cities. Underground excavation required extensive analysis for ground stability and to ensure the performance of a structure. Specific concerns arise during the design of the underground structures, such as the impact of excavation on nearby ground and existing building in the vicinity of excavation. Above ground structures may subject to disturbances due to any underground construction activity. This paper identifies the effects of tunnelling advancement on a pile foundation. In this paper, two different construction stages are studied. Case1 tunnel is excavated in the vicinity of the existing pile. Case2 Pile is installed in the vicinity of the existing tunnel. Tunnel lining behaviour is affected by the offset of the pile from tunnel lining. In the study impact on tunnel lining and ground settlements are studied. Plane strain FEM analysis were performed to investigate the behaviour of ground, tunnel and pile.


New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM), Piling, Ground Settlement, RS2 and Phase 2, Finite Element Analysis

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