Power and Congestion Control for M.A.N.E.T using Cross-Layer Design for Future Technology
Routing in M.A.N.E.T is challenging due to its navigation feature. The main causes of link failure are mobility, interference, and congestion. Mobility means that each node is free to move within its transport range. Interference occurs due to collision and hidden node. A hidden node means two nodes outside the radio range of each, simultaneously try to transfer data to an intermediate node, which lies in the radio range of each of the transmitted nodes. None of the sent nodes will recognize the transition of the other node, resulting in a collision in the intermediate node. Signal strength is a parameter of interaction across layers. The received signal strength is taken from the physical layer and checked at the M.A.C layer if it is above a certain threshold. If it is above the threshold, the correlation is strong otherwise, it is weak, which may lead to road failure. When a path is likely to fail due to weak signal node strength, it will find an alternative path. A.O.D.V has the best congestion avoidance mechanisms. In this project, we propose a design approach, different from the traditional way of network design, towards enhancing cross-layer interaction between different layers, i.e. physical layer, M.A.C layer, and network layer. The C.L.P.C approach would help enhance transmission power by calculating average R.S.S values and finding an efficient route between source and destination. The cross-layered design approach is tested by simulation (NS3 simulator) and its performance will be found on A.O.D.V.
Keywords- RSS(Received Signal strength), CLD(Cross-layer design), CLPC(Cross Layer approach for Power Control) A.O.D.V(Adhoc on-demand Distance Vector), CCAODV (Congestion Control AODV), Routing Packages (RREQ, RREP, RRER), Network Layers, Network Simulators, M.A.N.E.T.
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Shaikh Abu Taalib, Shilpa P. Kodgire, Mazher Khan. Power and Congestion Control for M.A.N.E.T using Cross-Layer Design for Future Technology. Journal of Telecommunication, Switching Systems and Networks. 2019; 6(3): 1–12p.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/jotssn.v6i3.3423
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