Articulation Point Technique in MANET
The mobile ad hoc network, which is a wireless network of special type and has a collection of wireless hosts with wireless network interfaces, encompasses a temporary network, without any established infrastructure or centralized administration. All wireless nodes will start broadcasting again all the received broadcast messages. It is a common problem called as blind broadcast. Every node may receive the same copy of the messages from all the neighboring nodes. It is termed as unnecessary overhead. This broadcast overhead is reduced by the connected dominating set approach. So, a virtual backbone which reduces the communication overhead, increases the bandwidth efficiency, reduces channel bandwidth consumption, decreases the energy consumption, increases network operation life, and provides better resource management. Present work is to implement articulation-points concept into MCDS problem and find out MCDS problem using articulation points. Now we implement new algorithm that utilizes the articulation points, has been proposed and evaluated. Here, selection of the maximum degree node is the right choice to start. Proposed algorithm starts with computation of articulation points in a connected graph. This algorithm assumes the existence of articulation points. The assumption is largely valid in view of the dynamic topology of wireless ad hoc network. This is analyzed with simulation on NS-2 simulator.
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