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Extreme Value Analysis of Rainfall using L-Moments of Five Probability Distributions for Chandwa and Latehar Sites in Jharkhand

N. Vivekanandan


Estimation of rainfall for a given return period is of utmost importance for planning, design and management of civil and hydraulic structures. This can be achieved by conducting Extreme Value Analysis (EVA) of rainfall that consists of fitting probability distributions (PDs) to the annual maximum series of rainfall. In this paper, a study on intercomparison of L-Moments (LMO) of five PDs viz., Extreme Value Type-1 (EV1), Extreme Value Type-2, Generalized Extreme Value (GEV), Pareto and 2-parameter Log Normal for estimation of rainfall for Chandwa and Latehar sites is carried out. The adequacy of fitting five PDs adopted in EVA of rainfall is quantitatively assessed by applying the Goodness-of-Fit (viz., Chi-square and Kolmogorov-Smirnov) and diagnostic (viz., D-index) tests, and qualitatively assessed by using the probability plots of the estimated rainfall. The EVA results of rainfall indicate the GEV is better suited distribution for rainfall estimation for Chandwa while EV1 for Latehar.


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