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Practices of Stormwater Management in Addis Ababa and Recommended Strategies for Sustainable Stormwater Management

Dagnachew Adugna, Hailu Worku


This paper reports the practices of stormwater management in Addis Ababa and recommends strategy for the sustainable utilization of water resources. Addis Ababa which is the capital of Ethiopia and seat of African Union is suffering from overtopping, flash and river flooding. These coupled with the high rate of urbanization worsens the problem of river water quality and caused degradation. Quantitative and qualitative as well as exploratory and descriptive methods were employed to explore stormwater management practices in connection with water resource management and to describe such practices respectively. Key informant interview and field observation were the data gathering tools. The key findings are the absence of net-worked city-wide stormwater master plan, absence of responsible institution which is mandated to directly work on stormwater management. All the rivers transport wastewater during the lengthy dry season and both stormwater and wastewater in the wetseason. For sustainable water resources utilization and to reduce the unnecessary huge investment on the customary and fragmented stormwater management practices city-based strategies are proposed.


Addis Ababa, overtopping, river water quality, stormwater, strategy, sustainable stormwater management

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