Fabrication of Paper Bricks from Paper Waste and Cement
Paper bricks are key construction materials for buildings in general and for low cost housing in particular. To keep up with sustainable development movements and increasing competitive pressure in the industry, building materials of the future have to be of lighter weight, more energy efficient and lower cost. The use of recycled materials is also critical for long-term sustainability. The objective of this study is to develop lightweight paper brick from waste paper with minimum cost. Different mixtures of waste paper were used as raw materials. The paper was hydrated and spun to obtain paper-pulp slurry after mixing with cement, and cast to shape. Compressive strength and water absorption were found. The results showed that experimental bricks had higher compressive strength and water absorption when compared to those of existing masonry blocks. Quick cost estimation indicated that bricks could be made at a lower cost than those available in the market. It is concluded that paper bricks from waste paper possess attractive properties and good strength. Sustainability and cost issues are also addressed. The result shows the combination of paper waste and cement provides better results for producing economical new bricks.
Keywords: Lightweight paper bricks, waste paper, cement, compressive strength, water absorption
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