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A Review on the Light Transmission Behaviour of Concrete Using Plexiglass Fibres

Anuja Narayanan, Aarthi S K, Deepadharshini K, Harshini V


The transparent behaviour of concrete can be improved using optical fibres which enable the transmission of light into the concrete, by decreasing the energy consumption and carbon footprint, to provide a sustainable living environment. To investigate the effect of the usage of plastic optical fibres, different blocks are cast and tested for light transmission properties. The rates of usage of plastic optical fibres are varied under the same loading conditions and the corresponding compressive strength values are obtained for structural application. It also aims in finding the efficient pattern of arrangement of the plastic optical fibres through transmittance tests on various patterns. From the test results, it was found that the circular pattern shows high light transmissive properties, and the X pattern showed high structural strength.



Plexiglass, optical fibres, pattern, translucent, light transmission

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