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Vein Detector using Image Processing

Rohini Raju Mergu, Vaibhavi Birajdar, Rubina Bagwan, Samprita Batgeri


Abstract: Most of the doctors face problem while giving dose of medicine using syringe to patients who have darker skin tone, have wrinkled skin, small children’s and people who have scorch marks or burned skin. Due to such problems, doctors may insert the syringe in wrong place or it may become harder for doctors to find veins of such patients. This Paper presents a new methodology of Vein Finder Which avoid these problems which many doctors are facing regarding insertion of dose. Vein Finder contains Infrared Camera, Infrared LEDS, Raspberry Pi where the image of particular part of body where the dose is to be inserted is captured and processed digitally which helps to detect the particular vein. This system helps to reduce the stress, trauma and injuries experienced while giving dose.

Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Infrared camera, Infrared LEDs, Veins, Processing

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Rohini Mergu, Vaibhavi Birajdar, Rubina Bagwan, Samprita Batgeri. Vein Detector using Image Processing. Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication Systems. 2019; 6(1): 31–34p. 


Raspberry Pi, Infrared camera, Infrared LEDS, Veins, Image Processing.

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