GSM Based Coal Miners Safety Monitoring Helmet

Rishi G. Vardhan, Madhan Kumar, Sunil Goud, Dr. S. Ramani


 A Coal Miners sensible Helmet is  a wearable device that will facilitate coal miners keep safe. Observance the protection of coal miners' operating conditions are often finished in  this device. It monitors the temperature, humidity, harmful gas concentration, and vibration. The information is analyzed and sent to the room and therefore the room decides that action must be taken supported the parameters sent. This paper uses LoRa communication technology alongside GSM to send and receive info, and Arduino to method the knowledge. Sensors like MQ02, DHT11, IR sensor, and vibration detector square measure won’t to get the parameters. the most objective of victimization LoRa communication is to form positive the communication is robust even within the longer varies wherever Zigbee runs out of range. The vary provided by Zigbee is up to three hundred meters whereas the vary for LoRa are often up to five metric linear unit counting on the traffic therein space. The Arduino microcontroller processes the knowledge received from the detector and sends it via GSM.


Smart Helmet, LoRa, GSM, IoT, coal mines safety monitoring, mobile application.


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