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A New Developed Hydrogen Generator for Hydrogen Electric Vehicle

Michael Shoikhedbrod


Hydrogen practically does not occur in its pure form on Earth and must be extracted from other compounds using various chemical methods. There are currently many methods of industrial hydrogen production, which include: steam reforming of methane and natural gas; coal gasification; biotechnology; water electrolysis. Hydrogen production by water electrolysis has a number of advantages over other methods, including: availability of available raw materials (water); a wide range of hourly productivity of the applied installations (from several liters to hundreds of cubic meters); high environmental performance of production (no harmful emissions and discharges into the environment); high degree of purity of the produced hydrogen (99.99%); obtaining a valuable by-product - oxygen; ease of operation of industrial installations; the technological process is almost completely automated. The disadvantages of water electrolysis technology include the significant cost of hydrogen produced. To date, this disadvantage is eliminated by using the electric energy of nuclear facilities, hydro, wind and solar energy for the process of water electrolysis. The article presents a developed hydrogen generator that produces pure hydrogen, which continuously charges the fuel cell of a hydrogen electric vehicle, leading to the operation of its engine. Hydrogen in the developed generator is generated in the process of electrolysis of ordinary water with all the advantages listed above and the creation of its cost below the market due to a specially designed electrolysis base, which includes a fire hose membrane, placed between the electrodes, and a mechanism for regulating of the gap between the electrodes, placed on bottom of a specially shaped two-chamber electric flotator. The developed hydrogen generator also produces oxygen for the full operation of the hydrogen electric vehicle engine. The developed hydrogen generator operates continuously in a closed cycle: tank with ordinary water + hydrogen generator: hydrogen and oxygen gases formation + fuel cell charging and hydrogen electric vehicle engine operation + generated water + tank with ordinary water.


Hydrogen electric vehicle, electrolysis hydrogen oxygen bubbles, water electrolysis, hydrogen and oxygen generator, Electrolysis base, Membrane from a fire hose

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