IoT Based Smart Agriculture
Agriculture, farming or cultivation are important occupations since the history of the human race is maintained. The word "Agriculture" represents all entities that came beneath the linear sequence of links of organic phenomenon for masses. Since humans are the smartest living species on earth, their smartness always encourages them to discover and innovate. This desire to innovate led to many inventions like the wheel, advancement in standards of living, language, and countless more achievements. As we know, in the present era, there are a need for soil and temperature monitoring systems, which is based on the technology of the Internet of things. In current, sometime farmer doesn't know the current status of their soil moisture, and on that case some time their crops will die. Some time because of extra or less level of water, these crops are under conditions that are dangerous for their survival, so for these type of situations, soil moisture and environmental temperature monitoring system is required. By using this system, farmers can easily make a decision for their crops on their own. Currently, there are some technologies and methodologies that work on GPRS, but since GPRS has connectivity issues, it is discarded in proposed work. IoT, with the help of different sensors has been used in proposed work.
Keywords: Agriculture, NodeMCU, IoT, Moisture sensor, DHT11
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Purvaa Saxena, Gargi Mishra, Nitin Kumar, Ayush Priyadarshi, Rahul. IoT Based Smart Agriculture. Recent Trends in Sensor Research & Technology. 2020; 7(2): 7–11p.
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