Internet of things (IoT) to harvest energy

Bangshidhar Goswami


This article is a study to describe the internet of things (IoT) after industrial capability, especially to allocate electrical energy harvest. The usual method of renewable and clean sources of energy is selected for wireless sensor nodes (WSN). Inclusive harvest energy applied sustainable power supply sources such as mechanical motion, radiation, thermal gradient, and light. Smart energy harvests for IoT networks supported by femtocells empower nodes. Electrical power has been acquired to operate devices interlinking IoTs off and on from the aids of solar cells, piezoelectric elements, and thermoelectric elements. Henceforth, respective energy conversion has dealt sun rays into electricity by the solar cell, piezoelectric material implies mechanical energy to electricity and thus, thermoelectric or pyroelectric materials convert heat to electricity. Otherwise, the type of energy is simulated to the type of converters. Suggested components of IoT and M2M (machine to machine) devices composed of linkages from wireless sensors, energy harvesting transducer, energy processing sensor, microcontroller, and wireless radio. Identification and capture through the concept of IoT node type distinguished social and physical characteristics of nodes so as to capture interactions among femtocell access points (FAPs) by the adoption of Contract Theory, thereby power has been charged to IoT nodes as incentivizing. The efficiency, sustainability, connectivity, and durability of transportation infrastructures are properties strongly requested by users and authorities and are going to become essential characteristics of the future smart cities, otherwise integrated transportation business.


Internet of things (IoT), Wireless sensor nodes (WSN), Harvest, Energy, Femtocell



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