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Smart Stick For Blind Person

Shivanshu Verma, Aryesh Kumar, Shivam Verma, Aditya Kumar Yadav


When walking down the street, visually impaired persons have trouble spotting hazards in front of them, which is risky. The smart stick is offered as a suggestion to help kids recognize their surroundings. A person can walk more safely with the blind handle. According to the WHO 30 million people are irreversibly blind, and 285 billion have some form of vision impairment. After processing the data, the blind individual is provided with the necessary instructions. Thirdly, an additional ultrasonic sensor is added to the top of the stick to turn the knee above obstacle detection and avoidance system. When there is an obstruction or somebody, an alert goes off. Or the wall 50 cm in front to prevent an accident enabling the individual to move on their own. Fourthly, A 20 cm-long ultrasonic sensor is attached to the stick. From the ground to identify and steer clear of knee-deep obstructions and steps that are 70 cm away from the user. The primary goal of this essay is to provide assistance and knowledge to the blind and disabled population.[6]. In case of an emergency, the GPS module in this system can be used to track visually challenged people using an accelerometer and send alert messages and real-time position sharing to the caregiver. To prevent mishaps, the LED can shine to indicate another person because of the piezoelectric effect nighttime.



Blind Stick, ultrasonic sensor, vibration motor, Voice navigation, Microcontroller, Arduino.

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