Integration of Electrical Vehicles in Demands Response Program
Demand Response (DR) schemes can benefit greatly from the assistance that Electric Vehicles can offer (EVs). Electric vehicles (EVs) can operate as a burden on the grid, a source of electricity for the grid, or a form of energy storage. Utilities are able to regulate EV charging time and tariffs, collect EVs-specific metre data, and conduct DR programmes as a result of the smart grid enabling technology. In order to coordinate the charging of electric vehicles (EVs) and provide space for DR programmes in the parking garage, a real-time charging method is suggested in this study. Because the on-off technique is used to increase EV charging speed, the scheduling of charging is presented as a binary optimization issue. A convex relaxation method is proposed as an alternative to compute the near-optimal charging schedules because exhaustive search is computationally expensive when determining the ideal solution of the binary optimization issue. Numerous simulation results demonstrate that the proposed workcan support both types of DR programmes at the parking facility while meeting the demand for EV charging. The suggested solution also has the ability to maximise the number of EVs that can be charged while lowering the associated costs.
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