Review Paper for Drives used in Electrical Vehicle (EV) and Hybrid Electrical Vehicles (HEV)

Harimohan Agarwal, Krishan Choudhary, Sushil Jangid, Ravi Sharma, Rohit Bansal


The pollution of environment is increasing due a very large numbers of conventional vehicles present today. To reduce pollution the electric and hybrid electric vehicle are very beneficial. As the decade of low cost fuel is coming to an end the electric vehicle or hybrid electric vehicle is a good alternative to the conventional vehicles. These electric vehicles are driven by an electric motor may be AC or OC fed by battery through electric converter. The various drives used for the EVs and HEVs are discussed in this paper. The main two types of drive based on the supply are used OC or AC drive. The AC drives consisting of three phase permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is most popular amongst them. The other widely used drives are three phase Induction motor (IM), Switched reluctance motor (SRM), Brushless OC motor (BLDC). These motor are fed by different power electronic converters such as OC-OC converter.


Electric vehicles (EV), hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), permanent magnet synchronous motor (pM SM), induction motor (IM), switched reluctance motor (SRM), power electronic converters

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