Evaluation of Tensile Properties of Waste Cornhusk Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composite

Sreejith Sreenivasan, Sanket Kangutkar, Nikhil Avhad, Ashish Kondhari, Kamini Kadam


Composite materials are generally used in various manufacturing and construction applications around the globe. Properties like lightweight, fatigue resistant, effortlessly moldable makes composites a favorable material for various applications. Composites meet various design requirements with important factor of weight reduction of the part or the product to be manufactured. This lighter materials are nowadays preferred over the conventional materials as they are helpful in absorbing the impact load and vibrations. Most of the composites are manufactured using petroleum products such as fibre glass, carbon fibres, and Aramid fibres (such as Kevlar and Twaron) etc. This manufacturing of petroleum based reinforcement leads to the depletion of non-renewable resources. Manufacturing of this fibres leads to discharge of a lot of toxic gases in the environment. The study of natural fibres is going on in a considerable amount as they have properties like light weight, eco-friendly nature and other unique properties. The continuous supply, ease of handling, Safety and biodegradability, natural fibres are preferred in various structural and non-structural properties. Fibres extracted from corn husk were reinforced with epoxy resin to fabricate a composite. Use of corn husk fibres was done as it is an agricultural waste which can be reduced. Fibres were extracted from the corn husk by treating them with NaOH solution as it helps in separation of fibres and removal of wax present. The laminates were manufactured using compression molding process. Later tensile testing was done to evaluate laminate strength.


cornhusk, fibre, epoxy resin, composite, NaOH, Tensile testing.

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