Advanced Jig Saw Machine

Sagar Khatavkar, Bhavesh P. Naik, Siddhesh S. Pawaskar, Ashish A. Gupta, Khalidh Y. Murghay


As we have selected “The Advanced Jig Saw Machine” as a project work, it has helped us to understand the wood cut working, by all of the view like about its working capacity, the product which will it produce, what will be the difficulties in working of the machine, kind of safe working, working reliability, number of operations that can be performed with this machine etc. A Jig saw is a one type of a saw, which cut the wood in different shape. It cut different shape with finishing. It works on stock of blade. The blade is cut profile cutting, curves circle and other complicated part. It works on slides. The mechanism is crank rod link mechanism. This mechanism gives up and down motion to blade. We use pulley in proper ratio to control rpm of motor. And finally this machine is cut wood precisely with finishing. As the work-shop is having mechanical work press, it is also feasible to make the parts as dimension and working point of view. So it may prove an additional advantage of having such kind of machine. The other objective of making a project that number of students can understand working of “Advanced Jig saw machine”.


Jig Saw Machine, machine, cutting, circular holes.

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