Thermal Analysis and Computer Aided Exhaust Valve Design Automation Using CREO and Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Siraj Chabru, P. S. Kulkarni


3D modeling has widely been used because of their ease in visualization, understanding and
generation of manufacturing drawing sheets compared to 2D drafting. 3D Modeling is the timeconsuming
process and many draftsmen does not have the skill to draw a 3D object inside a CAD
packages. Internal combustion engine consists of two type of valves inlet valve and exhaust valve. The
pair of inlet and exhaust valve is called as poppet valves. Exhaust valve is the mechanical object
reputedly required nearly in all internal combustion engines. In this paper we are automate the
exhaust valve design by creating graphical user tool using visual basic programming language inside
the Microsoft excel spreadsheet. This excel spreadsheet is later integrated to CREO database for
automatic 3D valve Modeling. Exhaust valve is the nose of the internal combustion engine to eject the
exhaust gases out form the engine at a time of exhaust stroke. It is continuously come under the high
temperature and pressure. Steady state thermal analysis has been carried out using FEA. To
demonstrate our study, we are considered to design and analysis the exhaust valve for Honda CB
Twister 110cc having chamfer angle of 45 degrees. For the 3D modeling we use CREO and ANSYS
18.0 is used for FEA analysis.


Microsoft Excel, CREO parametric, Ansys, modeling automation, VB for application

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