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A New Approach for Cuk Converter for Solar/Wind Hybrid Standalone System

Pratik Ghutke, Pooja A. Ishwarkar


The non-conventional energy such as
solar photovoltaic system and wind turbine are natural
resources and provides sustainable green energy .Now,
Electricity is the most requisite means for man. All the
energy resources are depleting day by day In the
current technology , This project could be effective to
achieve good prediction accuracy in smart grid using
different weather conditions. It also upgrades the
socioeconomic condition of rural lives. In this article
basically The wind turbine and solar photovoltaic (PV)
are combined for stable power. the wind turbine
converts wind energy into electrical energy by
generating AC output voltages whereas the solar PV
array converts light energy into electrical energy by
generating DC output voltage. The hybrid power
generation is improving the power quality.The PWM
technique is being used to generate pulses.the power
generated is stored in batteries is modeled using
MATLAB simulator.further,its performance is found
satisfactory and effectiveness of the system without
disrupting the natural balance


Hybrid Energy System, Fuel cell, Solar Photo voltaic cell, Inverter, PIC Micro Controller, MOSFET devices.

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