Insightful Innovations: A Review of Eye-controlled Mouse Hardware Development
Many people who suffer from neurological disorders or those who have been rendered paralyzed by an accident find it difficult to use computers for everyday chores like sending and receiving messages, browsing the internet, or watching their favorite TV series or films. A recent study focused on the topic and discovered that eyeballs are an excellent candidate for eye tracking because they move properly when working with hardware. By using the underlying data from eye movements, it might be able to use computers for these people once more. We suggest an eye-controlled mouse to accomplish this. The goal of this effort is to develop a general-purpose, free, open-source eye-controlled framework that uses a computer webcam to accurately track eye movements and enable users to perform actions related to specific eye motions or gestures. It first detects the movement of the user's pupil on their face. It needs to be accurate in real time for the user to be satisfied, just like with other everyday devices.
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