Design and Analysis of Single Angle Expanding Collets

Viral B. Mevcha, Chetankumar M. Patel


The subject of production deals with the use of fixtures that ensures repeatability to the work piece to be manufactured. The fixture is clamping device that mounts parts at a perfect location and gives stability, which leads to mass production. Thus types of clamping play a decisive role in getting the good reliability of the product. Collet is one of the clamping devices which have long slits around its periphery, widely used for clamping any kind of shape (cylindrical, hexagonal, and square etc.) in manufacturing industries. As there is an increase in demand for mass production and accuracy of parts being made, use of collet is also increased. This research paper is about determining deflection and clamping force required for collet to clamp an object. To find this, one needs to find elastic deformation of an object by deriving mathematical model and by using software tools. Formulation of the mathematical model and its solution is carried out. Deflection and clamping force is found. The mathematical model determines the elastic deformation analytically while finite elemental analysis using software tools validates the analytical design. There is a greater match between the results given by analytical method and FEA. Finite element analysis is carried out using ANSYS and MATLAB code is used to solve second order differential equation.

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Mevcha Viral B, Patel Chetankumar M. Design and Analysis of Single Angle Expanding Collets. Journal of Experimental & Applied Mechanics. 2017; 8(2): 1–12p.


Expanding collets, design, analysis, Euler’s beam theory, friction

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