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Corrosion inhibitors of steel applicable by green but toxics

Bangshidhar Goswami, Kalpana Mahato


Inhibitors in detergent and alkali based chemicals are used in various media for steels. Toxicity has induced pharmaceutical compounds as better inhibitors to restrict pollutant gases emissions after reaction with alkaline inhibitors. Green in origin inhibitors are toxin free to use with detergents for inhibition of both pollutant gases and corrosion of processing machineries made of metals. Eco-friendly inhibitors have appeared for steel corrosion being embedded in concrete i.e. alkaline medium in presence saline water. Corrosion of steel embedded in concrete is enhanced by chloride ions and effect less in carbon dioxide contamination.


Detergent, Alkali, Steel, Sea water, Adsorption, Thin film, Rust removal, Corrosion, Inhibitor, Soap, Paint, Tap water, Pipelines, Boiler, Rebar, Green


Detergent, Alkali, Steel, Sea water, Adsorption, Thin film, Rust removal, Corrosion, Inhibitor, Soap, Paint, Tap water, Pipelines, Boiler, Rebar, Green

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