Optimizing Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channels with Turbulators: A Comprehensive Review
Turbulators and various obstructions strategically placed along the airflow path in a channel are employed to enhance heat transfer This enhancement is achieved by disrupting the laminar sub-layer or intensifying turbulence within the duct passage. Numerous types of turbulator elements have been extensively utilized to optimize the heat transfer characteristics in such systems. Investigating further, researchers have explored the application of roughness elements in two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and irregular shapes. This paper provides a comprehensive review of air channel enhancement techniques, summarizing and concluding investigations centered on the use of low-height elements and small surface protrusions with diverse geometries as artificial roughness elements on channel walls. The aim is to analyze their impact on heat transfer and friction factor through experimental studies
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/joeam.v14i3.7779
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