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Studies and Analysis of Perception of Workers Occupation in Hot Environment in Foundry Industry

Karthikeyan Mathesan, Ramachandran T., Srinivasan P.S.S., Visagavel K., Ilangkumaran M., Anojkumar L., Kirubakaran B., Vinoth Kumar PT.


Foundry industry in India is the largest contributor in Indian economy. Safety in foundry industry is of great importance to build the relationship between employers and workers, and also for business growth. It also shows interest of employers on safety and well-being of workers, and to safeguard them from occupational diseases and disorders. Therefore, this research study insights the safety analysis of foundry industry and finds the perception of workers about thermal comfort and other related factors. Thermal comfort plays vital role in one’s well-being and productivity. The study focuses on detailed psychological and thermal perception of the indoor climate. The study also shows what the workers felt about the thermal discomfort that reflects on welfare and other job-related factors offered by industry. In conclusion, the results of the study provided much helpful information to the occupier for further strengthening the safety policy and their implementation in the industry.

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